EMEA mobile GPS navigation market races ahead

20.09.2004 Informationsquelle

Eine kürzliche Studie von Canalys zum mobilen GPS Navigationsgeräte-Markt ergibt folgendes - zu dem Thema seien auch die Providerliste - Reviews zu dem Navman iCN 620 sowie zur Smartphone Bluetooth GPS Lösung Wayfinder erwähnt, zu finden in www.providerliste.ch/deu/reviews

Schlagworte und Kennzahlen zu der Studie:

- Shipments of handheld solutions in first half 2004 overtake total for all of 2003

- EMEA mobile GPS navigation solution shipments reached 843,000 units in H1 2004

- 720,000 of these were shipped with, or for use on, handhelds

- The majority of solutions shipped were bundled with a mobile device

- Dedicated, transferable GPS navigation devices accounted for just under 80,000 units

- Smart phone solutions will grow, but represent only around 3% of the market today

20.09.2004, Providerliste Admin